CBE255 - Introduction to Chemical Process Modeling Instructor: Reed Semester: Spring 2019
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Description: Introduction to modeling of chemical processes, and introduction to using modern computational tools to analyze the models. Topics to be covered include: programming and programming languages; stoichiometry of chemical reactions; diffusion and heat transfer; phase equilibria; chemical kinetics in well-mixed reactors; elementary process dynamics; and estimating parameters from data.

Course Objectives:

Objective Excellent Good Moderate Minimal Unsatisfactory
Develop facility with using modern computational software for numerical problem solving
Obtain an integrative overview of the entire chemical engineering curriculum
Be exposed to key modeling concepts for courses later in the curriculum
Acquire a set of tools that will be useful in later CBE courses
Be exposed to problems in stoichiometry of chemical reactions, diffusion and heat transfer, process systems steady-state modeling and design, chemical kinetics in well-mixed reactors, staged separations, estimating parameters from data

Suggestions for modifications in Course Objectives:


How would you rate the students' knowledge of the background or prerequisite topics for this class?

Prerequisite Sufficient Insufficient Not needed
Math 319 or 320 or con reg

If any of the above were "Insufficient," please comment on the particular skills.

Are there any additional background topics that you think students should have?

Suggestions for revisions in the content or delivery of this course, especially to address improvements
satisfying program or course objectives:

Comments on any course improvements and results:

Suggestions for instructors in earlier (pre-requisite) courses:

Suggestions for revisions or updates in the Course web page:

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